近来许多亚马逊卖家反馈澳洲亚马逊灯具要求提供:AS/NZS60598认证,充电器要AS/NZS60950认证,AV类产品AS/NZS 60065认证,家电S/NZS60335认证!这些产品抽查或类目审核需要提供!那这些认证如何办理呢?周期要多久?价格如何?
AV类产品(蓝牙耳机,收音机,播放器等)AS/NZS 60065认证或AS/NZS62368
家电类 (冰箱,加湿器,水壶,吹风机,风扇等)AS/NZS60335认证
Amazon’s policies require that certain fire and other safety products sold through the Amazon must meet specified certification standards. In order to sell these products on Amazon, you must apply and bbbbbb the following to electronics-safety..
1. Company name
2. Seller ID
3. Email address
4. Phone number
5. A list of ASINs you are applying to sell
6. If you are a reseller of these products, a letter from the manufacturer demonstrating that you are an authorized reseller
7. Documentation from an accredited testing laboratory or organization is required to confirm the product was tested and found to comply with the applicable latest standards listed:
Luminaires, Lighting Chains, bbbbbb Lights, 3D Shapes - AS/NZS60598;
也就是 说灯串/灯具各类产品澳洲亚马逊销售必须要符合AS/NZS60598认证的要求!
那怎么办理 :灯具AS/NZS60598认证/IT类 AS/NZS60950认证,AV类:AS/NZS60065认证,家电类:AS/NZS60335认证呢?